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Increased Server experience & points

Posted by: KicksOnline Posted on: 14 Dec, 2022

We are still here. This game was declared dead many times, previous old server owners who just shut the server down and disappeared, but this time it will not happen, the game is in good hands. It's been a while since we don't post any news about what is going on so today we will share some information.

For the first time we're going to increase the EXP/POINTS Rate so If you are a old player who doesn't have any character: This is for you! enjoy the game, leveling up will be faster.

EXP x10

Characters below -30
EXP x8

Characters above +30
EXP x4

The true is that the server is still fully operational and it always was since we opened it & launched it on Steam. Only the name changed, the game is the same, kicks is alive and it will be running forever without interruptioms, however the community has grown, now responsabilities comes first, some players have almost no time to play and that is something that is not under our control but no matters what: Whenever you open the game, your account with your own characters, items, skills will still be there and waiting you to play with.

Game was added on steam which was a good start, slowly we started to make changes and we added a lot of new things like the Web market, drop system, KASH missions, automatic tourney server, even new skills were implemented, however this is a old school game which doesn't fit for everyone.

We know that there are many players who love this game as much as we do. Now with a much easier XP/Point ratio, all you need to do is keep an eye out for future events, register on our forum, join our social groups to play with the community, and invite your friends. We just have to join together and agree on a time that is comfortable for the majority where every day we enter at the same time. And so little by little the game will grow.

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